perjantai 23. marraskuuta 2018

11. joulukuuta


Liikunnan riemua

Tässä laatimani paljon onnellistuttava kaikille sopiva liikunnallisia lahjoja kasvattava ohje:

"Do not make plans about how to move but decide each second and each fraction of a second anew what right now feels like the best idea about where to move, how to move, in which style, in which attitude, in which mood, with how much eager interest and quickness resulting from that or relaxed awareness or emotionally motivated force,... So you change all the time, your plans change and you learn to pick each fraction of a second just the things that you like best right then to be your goalsetting right then in practice in your movements. So you feel happy and fulfilled. Be wary of boredom and habits."

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